
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Palin wants to become vice-president of the USA yet uses a Yahoo email account ?


Our national security will be ******ed if we ever elect this woman and her technology impaired running mate.

Palin wants to become vice-president of the USA yet uses a Yahoo email account ?
i actually didnt know she could use internet....her iq level is still zero.
Reply:bailie28- don't be a moron.

She's perfectly entitled to have a personal email account to email her mother, or whomever else she wants as long as it's not State or Government business.

Alaska has a "Alaska Open Information" Act that is in place so that all government officials in Alaska have their communications monitored.

By her sending official business via an yahoo email account that can be easily monitored by any employee at Yahoo that has access is moronic.

Reply:Problem is not that she used yahoo, the problem is that she used it for official government business. This is without a doubt a breach of internet security protocol. If she did the same in washington the chinese government and who know who else would be previewed to government classified communication.
Reply:You do realize you're saying this on a Yahoo! site, right? And that all of us who post are Yahoo! users ... which means that most of us have Yahoo! mail accounts.

So if you're criticizing Palin for having a Yahoo! account, then what are you saying about yourself and EVERYBODY in this forum?

Do you think she should have set up her own server and domain or something? Is that necessary for all people in public office?
Reply:1) HIgher office in this land...of the people, by the people, and for the people. She fits that perfectly.

2) John McCain cannot send emails because those bastards in Vietnam beat the **** out of him so severely he can't use his fingers on a keyboard (nor can he lift his arm over his head).

McCain/Palin 08

Palin 12' 16'
Reply:It is a Federal crime,and since She is a Vice -Presidential candidate,I can almost guarantee that The FBI and The CIA are going to have no choice but look into this matter................looks like somebodies going to Jail !
Reply:so the other side of the story is this..if she only had the state email or whatever..and someone hacked it and there were emails to her momma..we would be hearing how she used government property to email her family...tell me we wouldnt...
Reply:Keep laughing, first they came for Palins account next it will be yours

The Obama administration will be scarier then Bush, throw any thoughts of privacy away pal
Reply:You should be disgusted that people from your side have hacked into it, you fool! Have you no freaking respect for privacy???????'re pretty much ruling yourself out in the process, then..

Can't say I'd disagree with you on that one. I certainly wouldn't vote for you.
Reply:That's because if is just regular folk like you and me. Except I don't have 5 children or hunt moose.

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